Monday 12th December.
Just a quick update on all thing Game Art….
Game Production: Finished my tree project off today and handed it in. It took me a while to figure out how to unwrap and texture it. I had a lot of trouble but in doing so, have learnt useful tips on how to tackle something with similar properties. I couldn’t have got by without the help from my friends. I feel I could have done them better, so over the next few weeks I’ll hopefully have time to practise it, putting the tricks that I learnt into practise so that the difficult layout of the programme will seem easier and will be firmly stored in my head. This way I’ll be able to produce better quality 3D items that I feel pleased with. Overall, I’m happy at how I tackle the projects that have been set, as I have had no experience with this type of software before, so the bits that I’m learning are very interesting, I’m just finding it a little difficult to grasp all the different ways of rendering items, and trying to cope when 3DsMax has a fit.
Visual Design: I have been attempting to do more drawings than before to try and get my hours up. I find myself enjoying it and being pleased with some of the final results. I seem to get into this mindset where I’m lost in my drawing. In my A-level art, I would find it hard to get “hyped” up by any of the topics or to feel motivated to do my best. Thankfully, I’m really enjoying the drawing topics here. I don’t realise the time quickly escaping me as I try new techniques and rendering. I feel excited when I draw now, because I want to see what and how I can improve! I’m also really pleased with the topic of the next project, however, I’m going to have to plan my time more wisely. As this is a major problem for me.
Critical Studies: I’m hoping to add lot’s of variety to my blog from now on. I always have good ideas stored up in my mind, but when I sit down at my desk and whip open Microsoft Word my mind ends up going blank. And when I do write something, it’s either really boring or inappropriate. Which is why I write this entry today. I feel like it’s a good chance to see how my views and opinions change when I look back and if I act on any of the negative notes I have made today, so that I can improve.
Gaming: I’m in the mood for some scary games, even though I tend to chicken out quite easily…..